Menjalani 3 Peran Sekaligus

Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Saya membuat postingan ini di akhir Juli 2023, dengan usia pernikahan 2,5 tahun. Masih sangat seumur jagung. Masih termasuk di halaman awal dari ribuan halaman perjalanan di depan.

Kepala Keluarga

Menikah bagi laki-laki, berarti menjadi kepala keluarga. Menjadi pemimpin untuk istri dan anak. Menafkahi keluarga, memenuhi kebutuhan mereka. 

Bagi pria yang sudah menikah bertahun-tahun, mungkin sudah terbiasa dengan menjalani 3 peran sekaligus: menjadi kepala keluarga, bapak, dan suami. 

Saya masih beradaptasi dengan hal itu.

Dulu, bangun pagi, saya hanya memikirkan apa yang saya lakukan dalam satu hari itu. Apa saja yang harus dipersiapkan, apa saja rencana ke depannya. Sekarang, saya bangun pagi, pikiran saya langsung terpecah menjadi beberapa cabang. 

Saya bangun tidur sekitar jam tiga pagi. Saya pertama langsung mengecek popok bayi apakah tembus atau tidak. Terus saya membenarkan posisi tidurnya. Bayi mulai banyak gerak saat tidur. Saya sudah di tahap tidak kaget lagi ketika bangun-bangun ada kaki bayi di kepala saya.

Saya bikin kopi untuk memberikan fokus lebih di pagi hari. Kalau cucian piring masih menumpuk, ya sekalian saya cuci dulu. Kalau ternyata sudah selesai, saya bisa langsung mengerjakan kerjaan saya.

Saya punya waktu kurang lebih 2 jam sebelum waktu solat Subuh, dan sebelum memasuki waktu istri saya memasak. Istri memasak biasanya dimulai dengan menanyakan mau makan apa hari ini, lalu mengecek bahan dapur sudah lengkap apa belum, kalau belum berarti beli dulu, kemudian baru kembali ke dapur untuk memulai memasak.

Saat istri memasak, saya punya opsi: apakah saya lanjut mengerjakan kerjaan saya atau mau bersih-bersih rumah (menyapu, mengepel, dan sejenisnya). Tapi biasanya dua opsi terhapuskan ketika anak saya bangun. Berarti saya harus menemaninya, juga menjaganya jauh dari dapur agar tidak menganggu urusan masak-memasak.

Contoh lain,

Dulu, saat saya naik motor, yang saya persiapkan, ya, helm saya, masker saya, dan barang bawaan saya (dompet, helm, powerbank, sunglasses, dll). Sekarang, saat saya naik motor, saya harus mempersiapkan barang bawaan saya, barang bawaan istri, dan barang bawaan bayi.

Barang bawaan bayi itu berarti satu tas merah kecil berisi: botol air minum bayi, tisu kering, tisu basah, popok cadangan, kaus kaki, dan masker.

Barang bawaan istri sebenarnya lebih sedikit dan kurang lebih sama dengan saya, tapi ini harus tetap saya cek dan tanya ke istri apakah semuanya sudah lengkap.

“Dompet sudah bawa?”


“Hand sanitizer?”

Semua ini menjadi hal lumrah yang harus dilakukan. Karena sekarang, saya  berjalan satu paket, satu keluarga dengan istri dan anak saya.


Saya sekarang punya anak laki-laki menuju dua tahun. 

Fasenya sekarang, suka nimbrung di semua kegiatan yang saya lakukan.

Ketika saya lagi cuci piring, dia akan ambil kursi, ditaruh di samping saya, lalu berdiri di atas kursi tersebut. Kadang cuma melototin dari samping, kadang ingin mencoba membantu dengan tangannya maenan keran air. Piring dan gelas tetap tidak bersih, tapi airnya jadi kemana-mana.

Usianya yang menuju dua tahun, saya mulai diingatkan dengan Terrible Two. Istilah yang menggambarkan perubahan suasana hati dan perilaku anak pada usia 2 tahun. Misalnya di menit pertama, anak saya akan asyik bermain dengan mainannya. Tidak lama kemudian, ia bisa merasa kesal dengan mainannya tersebut. Bisa langsung menangis atau berteriak-teriak.

Jadi saya sudah tidak kaget, kalau saya lagi duduk santai menemani anak maen, tiba-tiba ada mobil mainan kelempar ke muka saya.

Lempar-melempar dan menjatuhkan barang ini memang menjadi rutinitasnya.

Lagi makan duduk tenang, tiba-tiba piring dipukul.

Lagi minum beberapa teguk, tiba-tiba langsung dibuang botol airnya.

Fase ini tidak terjadi satu dua jam dalam sehari, ini terjadi dalam keseluruhan hari. Pagi siang sore malam.

Dari bangun pagi yang langsung melompat sangat semangat, sampai susahnya untuk menidurkan kembali di kasur.

Orang tua dituntut ekstra sabar, juga harus ekstra tenaga.


Dan dari itu semua, ada istri yang harus tetap diutamakan. Ada ceritanya yang harus didengarkan, ada masalahnya yang harus diselesaikan.

Istri mengalami banyak perubahan. Beda sekali saat sebelum menikah, setelah menikah, saat hamil, ketika pemulihan setelah lahiran, dan setelah punya anak satu.

Moodnya yang naik-turun harus ditemani dengan sabar dan waktu yang tepat untuk memberikan tanggapan.

Karena kadang, yang ia butuhkan hanyalah saya menemaninya, sambil mendengarkan ceritanya. Tanpa saya harus memberikan solusi atau komentar apapun.

Tuntutan membaca kondisi dan situasi dengan baik, memang saya akui agak sulit. Ini masih saya terus pelajari. Satu waktu, bisa pas. Lain waktu, tidak pas, dan saya yang harus membuatnya kembali ceria seperti sedia kala.

Beberapa minggu yang lalu, saya dan istri sempat jalan berdua untuk pertama kalinya setelah punya anak. Kurang lebih harus menanti 1,5 tahun agar bisa menonton film berdua saja tanpa anak. 

Kegiatannya sederhana, kami nonton, kami makan, lalu kami pulang. Itu hanya terjadi dalam 3 jam, tapi itu sudah lebih dari cukup. Mengingatkan masa-masa sebelum punya anak. Memberikan jeda sebentar sebagai orang tua, memupuk kembali koneksi sebagai suami istri. 


Dalam 24 jam, saya harus menjadi kepala keluarga, bapak, dan suami, dan saya masih dalam beradaptasi dengan hal ini.

Mengatur waktu, mengatur emosi, mengatur rencana. Mengurusi itu semua bersamaan, meski dengan tenaga yang tersisa. 

Saya tentunya masih harus menjadi diri sendiri. Entah itu melakukan hobi yang dari dulu saya lakukan, atau duduk bengong saja tanpa memikirkan apapun (it’s really good, though).

Ketegangan di kepala harus diturunkan, emosi harus bisa diredam. Semua harus kembali ke titik nol untuk memulai hari baru. Karena untuk menjalani 3 peran sekaligusbutuh energi ekstra yang sudah kembali terisi.

Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Terima kasih sudah membaca sampai akhir. Kalau kamu suka tulisan ini, kamu bisa follow akun KaryaKarsa saya di sini. Dan kamu bisa mengapresiasi kreator, dengan cara memberikan tip di KaryaKarsa. Have a nice day 🙂

- short description about the writer-

I talk & write about movies and pop culture

Soal Bahasa Inggris TOEFL: Listening Session

Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Beberapa bulan terakhir, saya mendapat tugas untuk membantu mantan dosen saya. Beliau ingin saya membantu untuk persiapan tes TOEFL & IELTS, karena dua hal itu menjadi syarat S3.

Setelah beberapa bulan berjalan, saya akhirnya punya beberapa tipe Soal Bahasa Inggris dari Listening, Reading, Written & Structures, dan masih banyak lagi. Agar soalnya tidak cuma tersimpan di tempat saya, saya akan coba share beberapa soal bahasa inggris di blog ini.

(Kebanyakan soal saya ambil dari internet, jadi akan saya cantumkan sumber soalnya)

Untuk mendengarkan listening sessionnya, bisa dilihat di video berikut. Soal dan kunci jawaban akan tertera di postingan ini.

Soal Bahasa Inggris TOEFL: Listening Session

Listening Session 1 (mulai pada 01:38)

1. Why does the student want to meet with advisor? 

  1. She needs a job or she will lose her scholarship
  2. She wants to pay off her student loans
  3. She wants to sign up for the work-study program
  4. She needs money in case she loses her scholarship

2. Listen again to part of the conversation. Why does Mr. Sanders say this: “You are smart student. We can definetly sign you up for the work study program. No problem.”

  1. Since the student is smart, she will have no problem finding a job
  2. The work-study program is only for advanced students.
  3. The student is making a good decision by thinking about her future
  4. The student will easily be able to find a job on campus because she has good grades.

3. Why does the student want to work twenty hours a week?

  1. She has enough free time to work this long
  2. So that she does not go into debt
  3. She has to work twenty hours a week if she is in the work-study program
  4. So she can make more money to pay back her loans

4. Why does Mr. Sanders mention the student’s current scholarship?

  1. To remind the student that it is important to maintain good grades
  2. To distinguish between a scholarship and a loan
  3. To remind the student that she will not have a scholarship next year
  4. To emphasize that the student should work as many hours as possible

5. What does Mr. Sanders decide to do to help the student?

  1. He is going to let the student work ten hours a week
  2. He tells the student to discuss the job further with the job center
  3. He will give the student permission to work twenty hours a week
  4. He will give the job center the student’s work-study form

Kunci Jawaban Listening Session 1

S: Hi, Mr. Sanders. I know, I’m a little early for our meeting. But, I figured I’d see if you want to get started anyways.

A: Sure, come on in.

S: Thanks.

A: So, tell me, what’s going on? You want to apply for a job?

S: Yeah, well. I was thinking that if I don’t start working toward paying off my student loans now, I’m going to feel really burdened and strapped for cash after graduation. So, I was hoping, I would be able to join the work study program and get a job on campus.

A: You’re smart student. We can definetely sign you up for the work study program. No problem. Okay, so let me get the form really quickly here. Right. So, the jobs offered in work study program are only part-time. Of course, so you can dedicate enough time to your studies. You can either apply for a job that requires 10 hours a week or 20 hours a week. I suggest, you start with 10 hours a week. So, you don’t overload yourself.

S: Well, i’d rather work 20 hours a week. I mean, I want to make money faster and pay off as much of my loans as quickly as possible.

A: Ah, it’s good that you’re thinking ahead. But, considering you’re a freshman with full class schedule. It wouldn’t be wise to increase your workload so much.

S: I’m really hard worker, thought. I know, I could do it. I’m determined. 

A: I’m sure you are, but if your grades slip up, you might not qualify again next year for your current scholarship well.

S: Umm, I really wouldn’t want that to happen. That would just put me into more debt. Okay, so what exactly do you recommend?

A: I’m going to give you permission to work 10 hours a week in the work study program. I’ll sign this form and then you will need to take it to the job center, and then, they will help you find a job there. Make sure you let them know, it’s for a work study position. Since we have jobs reserved for those students. Once you find a job and work a little bit, see how it goes. And then, we can discuss giving you more hours.

S: Okay, sounds like a plan. Thanks for your help. 

1. C
2. C
3. D
4. A
5. A

Listening Session 2 (mulai pada 06:55)

1. What is the lecture mainly about?
  1. The importance of the discovery of Neptune
  2. The geocentric versus the heliocentric view of Earth
  3. How ancient astronomers viewed our solar system
  4. What happened after Neptune was discovered

2. Why was Copernicus heliocentric idea not accepted until hundreds of years later?

  1. Copernicus could not explain why the planet revolved around the sun
  2. Copernicus original research was inaccurate
  3. Because there was more scientific evidence to support the geocentric theory
  4. Because the geocentric view of Earth just made more sense

3. Why was the discovery of Neptune so important?

  1. Because it confirmed that planet resolve around the sun
  2. Because it added further evidence to support the gravitational theory
  3. Because it confirmed that Uranus does resolve around the sun
  4. Because it led to major scientific advances in the field of astronomy

4. How does the professor organize the lecture?

  1. She changes the subject halfway through to start talking about Neptune
  2. She introduces the topic the provides two examples
  3. She compares and contrasts two types of theories
  4. She introduces a problem then provides a solution

5. What is the geocentric view of the Earth?

  1. Earth and other planets resolve around the sun
  2. Earth is the only habitable planet in the solar system
  3. Earth is the center of the solar system and other planets revolve around it
  4. The planets move around each other circular orbits

6. What is the professor’s opinion on the discovery of the Neptune?

  1. It was an extremely important discovery for the field of astronomy
  2. It was inevitable that an astronomer would eventually find it
  3. It was only helpful to a certain extent because later discoveries were more important
  4. It was helpful because it answered some questions but also created some problems

Kunci Jawaban Listening Session 2

    All right, so just quickly pick up where we left off the ancient greeks and romans believed there were seven planets. All these were visible to the naked eye: Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Mercury, The Sun, and The Moon.


    Nowadays, we don’t consider the sun and the moon planets, but as of right now, we have eight planets in our solar system. Well, nine if count pluto as a planet. Anyways, so we have Mars, Jupiters, Venus, Saturn, Mercury, Earth, and of course later, Pluto, as I just mentioned which give us seven. What two planets are we missing here? 

    Uranus and Neptune.

    The discovery of the planet Neptune was one of the highest points in the development of gravitational theory. You might remember that most people before this time believed in the geocentric view of the earth that is that the earth was the center of the universe, and that the sun and the moon, and the rest of the planets revolved around it.

    And it was Copernicus who first proposed the heliocentric model. That is that the earth and the other planet in our solar system revolve around the sun. Still, it took a couple hundred years for scientists and researchers to eventually change their view and admit that the heliocentric model was, and is indeed, accurate.

    Why did it take so long for people to agree with Copernicus?

    It’s natural for us, humans, to believe we are the center of the universe, but besides that, Copernicus couldn’t explain the reason why and how the planets revolved around the sun. The geocentric model had been accepted for over a thousand years, Copernicus couldn’t prove his hypothesis. It was just a theory.

Now, this is where the hero of the story of the heliocentric model, gravity, comes into play. The motion of the planets had to explained through some type of mechanism and that turned out to be gravity. And it’s the gravitional pull that eventually helped astronomers understand how the planets revolve around the sun and that leads us to the discovery of Neptune.

    Who discovered Uranus? It was William Herschel in 1718. Other people had seen it before, but he was the first to classify it as a planet. The orbit of Uranus had been calculated, but there was a problem. Uranus didn’t move in the orbit predicted by the theory of gravitational pull. And by 1840, over 50 years, after it was called a planet, it was clear that Uranus did not move in orbit according to the one predicted by gravitional theory.

    In 1843, John Couch Adams, a young englishman, began a detailed mathematical analysis of the motion of Uranus to see wheter the might be produced by the pole of an unknown planet. He guessed that there must be a planet more distant from the Sun than Uranus. And then determined the mass and orbit it had to have account for Uranus’s strange orbit. 

    About a month later, an astronomer in Germany started to look for the planet. He quickly found and identified it. It was less than a degree from the position predicted by Adams. The discovery of the eight planet now known as Neptune was a major triumph for gravitational theory, because it dramatically confirmed its laws with great deal of accuracy. This discovery was major step forward in combining gravitational theory with careful observations. Such work continues in our won times with the discovery of planets around other stars and leads me to.

  1. A
  2. A
  3. B
  4. D
  5. C
  6. A

Itu saja soal yang bisa saya bagi. Soal tipe lain bisa dilihat di bawah ini. Semoga bermanfaat. 

Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Soal Bahasa Inggris TOEFL: Reading Text
Soal Bahasa Inggris TOEFL: Structures & Written Expressions 

Soal Bahasa Inggris TOEFL: Error Recognition

Soal Bahasa Inggris TOEFL: Listening Session

- short description about the writer-

I talk & write about movies and pop culture

Soal Bahasa Inggris TOEFL: Error Recognition

Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Beberapa bulan terakhir, saya mendapat tugas untuk membantu mantan dosen saya. Beliau ingin saya membantu untuk persiapan tes TOEFL & IELTS, karena dua hal itu menjadi syarat S3.

Setelah beberapa bulan berjalan, saya akhirnya punya beberapa tipe Soal Bahasa Inggris dari Listening, Reading, Written & Structures, dan masih banyak lagi. Agar soalnya tidak cuma tersimpan di tempat saya, saya akan coba share beberapa soal bahasa inggris di blog ini.

(Kebanyakan soal saya ambil dari internet, jadi akan saya cantumkan sumber soalnya)

Kalimat di bawah ini diambil dari listening session di video berikut:

Soal Bahasa Inggris TOEFL: Error Recognition


0. Did you pick up your paper yet? I just finished grading them and I were really impressed with your.

Answer: Did you pick up your paper yet? I just finished grading them and I WAS really impressed with YOURS.

1. Speaking of real-world applications, that’s sort of what I wanted talk to you about the student exchange program.


2. I think Guatemala would be the most relevant place for mine. It would be perfect to go there so I can do some research about my ideas.


3. You make a fair arguments, but have you thought of other places? I really wouldn’t want you to get your hopes up, since it’s a program run by the Spanish department and I can’t remember the last time a students was able to go who wasn’t a Spanish major.


4. While we are not have any current way of showing that the giant impact hypothesis is the correct model of the moon’s origin, it does offer potential solutions to most of the major problems raised with the chemistry of the moon. 


5. Born in Berlin in 1880, Wegener, from an early age, dreamed of exploring. Later in his life his interest turned more toward Earth’s weather. He carry out experiments using kites and ballons, becoming so accomplished that he and her brother set a world record in 1906 by flying for 52 hour in a ballon.


6. A few scientists was impressed by Wegener’s work and continued searching for additional evidence, but many found the idea of moving continents too revolutionary to take serious. Developing an understanding of the mechanism - plate tectonics - would take decades of further research.


7. Yes, come in, Anya. It’s about the paper you submitted in your assignment. I’m afraid I’m going to ask her to do the assignment again.


8. I see. Listen, I really sorry about mine mistake, Professor. Can I submit a revised assignment next week on Tuesday or Wednesday?


9. If you lie up to take a nap and fall asleep very easy, chances are you may have a sleep debt. Given that college students are famous for suffering from significant sleep debt, chances are you and you’re classmates deal with these issues on a regular basis.


10. As a result, many of we sleep less than 7-8 hours a night and accumulate a sleep debt. While there is tremendous variation in any given individual’s sleep needs, the National Sleep Foundation cites research to estimate that newborns require the most sleep, between 12 or 18 hours a night, and that this amount declines to just 7-9 hours by the time we are adults.


Key Answers

1. Speaking of real-world applications, that’s sort of what I wanted TO TALK to you about the student exchange program.

2. I think Guatemala would be the most relevant place for ME. It would be perfect to go there so I can do some research about my ideas.

3. You make A FAIR ARGUMENT, but have you thought of other places? I really wouldn’t want you to get your hopes up, since it’s a program run by the Spanish department and I can’t remember the last time A STUDENT was able to go who wasn’t a Spanish major.

4. While we DO NOT HAVE any current way of showing that the giant impact hypothesis is the correct model of the moon’s origin, it does offer potential solutions to most of the major problems raised BY the chemistry of the moon. 

5. Born in Berlin in 1880, Wegener, from an early age, dreamed of exploring. Later in his life his interest turned more toward Earth’s weather. He CARRIED out experiments using kites and ballons, becoming so accomplished that he and HIS brother set a world record in 1906 by flying for 52 HOURS in a ballon.

6. A few scientists were impressed by Wegener’s work and continued searching for additional evidence, but many found the idea of moving continents too revolutionary to take seriously. Developing an understanding of the mechanism - plate tectonics - would take decades of further research.

7. Yes, come in, Anya. It’s about the paper you submitted FOR your assignment. I’m afraid I’m going to ask YOU to do the assignment again.

8. I see. Listen, I’M really sorry about MY mistake, Professor. Can I submit a revised assignment next week on Tuesday or Wednesday?

9. If you lie down to take a nap and fall asleep very easily, chances are you may have a sleep debt. Given that college students are famous for suffering from significant sleep debt, chances are you and your classmates deal with these issues on a regular basis.

10. As a result, many of US sleep less than 7-8 hours a night and accumulate a sleep debt. While there is tremendous variation in any given individual’s sleep needs, the National Sleep Foundation cites research to estimate that newborns require the most sleep, between 12 or 18 hours a night, and that this amount declines to just 7-9 hours by the time we are adults.

Itu saja soal yang bisa saya bagi. Soal tipe lain bisa dilihat di bawah ini. Semoga bermanfaat. 

Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Soal Bahasa Inggris TOEFL: Reading Text
Soal Bahasa Inggris TOEFL: Structures & Written Expressions 

Soal Bahasa Inggris TOEFL: Error Recognition

Soal Bahasa Inggris TOEFL: Listening Session

- short description about the writer-

I talk & write about movies and pop culture
