Soal Bahasa Inggris TOEFL: Structure and Written Expressions

Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Beberapa bulan terakhir, saya mendapat tugas untuk membantu mantan dosen saya. Beliau ingin saya membantu untuk persiapan tes TOEFL & IELTS, karena dua hal itu menjadi syarat S3.

Setelah beberapa bulan berjalan, saya akhirnya punya beberapa tipe Soal Bahasa Inggris dari Listening, Reading, Written & Structures, dan masih banyak lagi. Agar soalnya tidak cuma tersimpan di tempat saya, saya akan coba share beberapa soal bahasa inggris di blog ini.

(Kebanyakan soal saya ambil dari internet, jadi akan saya cantumkan sumber soalnya)

Soal Bahasa Inggris TOEFL: Structure and Written Expressions

1. In simple animals, _____________ reflex movement or involuntary response to stimuli.
A) Behavior mostly
B) Most is behavior
C) Most behavior is
D) The most behavior

2. Although the weather in Martha’s Vineyard isn’t _____________ to have a year-round tourist season. It has become a favorite summer resort.

A) Goodly enough
B) Good enough
C) Good as enough
D) Enough good

3. According to the wave theory, _____________ population of the Americans may have been the result of a number of separate migrations.

A) The 
B) Their
C) That 

4. It is presumed that rules governing the sharing of food influenced ___________ that the earliest cultures evolved.

A) That the way 
B) Is that way
C) The way
D) Which way

5. Calculus, ___________ elegant and economical symbolic system, can reduce complex problems to simple terms.

A) It is an
B) That an
C) An
D) Is an

6. Until recently, Canada did not require that U.S. citizens obtain passports to enter the country, and _____________

A) Mexico did neither
B) Mexico didn’t either
C) Neither Mexico did
D) Either did Mexico

7. The poet __________ just beginning to recognized as an important influence at the time of his death.

A) Being Walt Whitman
B) Who was Walt Whitman
C) Walt Whitman
D) Walt Whitman was

8. __________________ the formation of the Sun, the planets, and other stars began with the condensation of an interstellar cloud.

A) It accepted that
B) Accepted that
C) It is accepted that
D) That is accepted

9. As a general rule, the standard of living _______ by the average output of each person in society.

A) Is fixed
B) Fixed
C) Has fixed
D) Fixes

10. The Consumer Price Index lists _______________

A) How much costs every car
B) How much does every car cost
C) How much every car costs
D) How much are every car cost

11. The Ford Theater where Lincoln was shot _________

A) Must restore

B) Must be restoring

C) Must have been restored

D) Must restored

12. Fast-food restaurants have become popular because many working people want ____

A) To eat quickly and cheaply

B) Eating quickly and cheaply

C) Eat quickly and cheaply

D) The eat quickly and cheaply

13. After seeing the movie Centennial,  _____________

A) The book was read by many people
B) The book made many people want to read it
C) Many people wanted to read the book
D) The reading of the book interester many people

14. ______________________ , Carl Sandburg is also well-known for his multivolume biography of Lincoln.

A) An eminent American poet
B) He is an eminent American poet
C) An eminent American poet who is
D) Despite an eminent American poet

15. The examiner made us ______ our identification in order to be admitted to the test center.

A) Showing
B) Show
C) Showed
D) To show

16. We _____ smoke should have their lungs x-rayed regularly.

  1. Are
  2. Which
  3. Who
  4. When

17. If Robert Kennedy _____ a little longer, he probably won the election.

  1. Live
  2. Lives
  3. Lived
  4. Has lived

18. It was Shirley Temple Black who ________ her country in the United Nations and later become an ambassador.

  1. Represent
  2. Represented
  3. Representing
  4. Has been represented

19. It is extremely important for an engineer to know _____ to use a computer.

  1. What
  2. Why
  3. How
  4. Where

20. Historically there ______ been only two major factions in the Republican Party: the liberals and the conservatives.

  1. Is
  2. Are
  3. Has
  4. Have

Kunci Jawaban

1. C. Most behavior is

In simple animals, most behavior is reflex movement or involuntary response to stimuli.

Pada hewan sederhana, kebanyakan tingkah lakunya adalah gerakan refleks atau respons  tak sadar pada ransangan (stimulus).

Most behavior bukan superlative. Tidak seperti the most beautiful, the most expensive. 

2. B. Good enought (cukup baik)

Adjective + enough

Contoh = smart enough, fast enough, smooth enough, dll

Meskipun cuaca di Kebun Anggur Martha tidak cukup baik memiliki musim turis sepanjang tahun. Itu telah menjadi tempat istirahat (resor) musim panas favorit.

3. A. The

According to the wave theory, the population of the Americans may have been the result of a number of separate migrations.

Menurut teori gelombang, populasi orang Amerika mungkin merupakan hasil dari sejumlah migrasi terpisah.

4. C. The way

It is presumed that rules governing the sharing of food influenced the way that the cultures evolved.

Diduga aturan yang mengatur pembagian makanan memengaruhi cara budaya berkembang.

5. C. Calculus, an elegant and economical symbolic system, can reduce complex problems to simple terms.

Kalkulus, sistem simbolik yang elegan dan ekonomis, dapat mereduksi masalah kompleks menjadi istilah sederhana.

6. B. Mexico didn’t either

Until recently, Canada did not require that US Citizens obtain passports to enter the country, and Mexico didn’t either.

Hingga baru-baru ini, Kanada tidak mewajibkan Warga AS memperoleh paspor untuk memasuki negara tersebut, dan Meksiko pun juga tidak.

7.  The poet Walt Whitman was just beginning to be recognized as an important influence at the time of his death.

Penyair Walt Whitman baru mulai diakui sebagai pengaruh penting pada saat kematiannya.

8. C. It is accepted that the formation of the Sun, the planets, and other stars began with the condensation of an interstellar cloud.

Diakui bahwa pembentukan Matahari, planet, dan bintang lainnya dimulai dengan kondensasi awan antarbintang.

9. A. As general rule, the standard of living is fixed by the average output of each person in society.

Sebagai aturan umum, standar hidup ditentukan oleh hasil rata-rata setiap orang dalam masyarakat.

10. C. How much every car costs

11. C. The Ford Theater where Lincoln was shot must have been restored

Teater Ford tempat penembakan Lincoln pasti telah diperbaiki

12. A 

Fast food restaurant have become popular because many working people want to eat quickly and cheaply

Restoran cepat saji menjadi populer karena banyak pekerja ingin makan dengan cepat dan dengan murah

13. C. After seeing the movie Centennial, many people wanted to read the book

Setelah melihat film Centennial, banyak orang ingin membaca bukunya

14. A. An eminent American poet, Carl Sandburg is also well-known for his multivolume biography of Lincoln.

Seorang penyair Amerika terkemuka, Carl Sandburg juga terkenal karena biografinya yang multivolume tentang Lincoln.

15. B

The Examiner made us show our identification in order to be admitted to the test center.

Penguji membuat kami menunjukkan identitas kami untuk diterima di pusat ujian.

16. C

We who smoke should have our lungs x-rayed regularly.

Kita yang merokok seharusnya x-ray paru-paru kita secara regular (secara teratur).

17. C

If Robert Kennedy lived a little longer, he probably won the election.

Jika Robert Kennedy hidup lebih lama, dia mungkin saja memenangkan pemilihan umum.

18. B

It was Shirley Temple Black who represented her country in the United Nations and later become an ambassador.

19. C

It is extremely important for an engineer to know to use a computer.

Ini sangat penting bagi seorang insinyur bagaimana cara menggunakan komputer

20. D

Historically there have been only two major factions in the Republican Party: the liberals and the conservatives.

Secara sejarah, ada dua golongan utama di Republican Party: liberal dan konservatif.

Factions = kelompok, golongan

Itu saja soal yang bisa saya bagi. Soal tipe lain bisa dilihat di bawah ini. Semoga bermanfaat. 

Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Soal Bahasa Inggris TOEFL: Reading Text
Soal Bahasa Inggris TOEFL: Structures & Written Expressions 

Soal Bahasa Inggris TOEFL: Error Recognition

Soal Bahasa Inggris TOEFL: Listening Session

- short description about the writer-

I talk & write about movies and pop culture

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