#Throwback pas kemarin Desember 2016 balik ke Solo. Jadi ini pas lagi bikin video klip buat @headsetacoustic. Ini juga pertama kalinya mandiri. Kalo dulu ada yang bantuin ngerekam dan ngedit videonya, sekarang mau nyoba ngerekam sendiri, ngedit sendiri, (rencananya) upload sendiri.
File video udah dipindah di laptop saya (punya kantor, sih, lebih tepatnya). Kemudian, saya lanjut ngedit pakai Movie Maker dan ngedit semaksimal mungkin. Seminggu ngedit dan revisian, akhirnya video Cinta Bukan Dusta cover selesai.
Belum sempet videonya keupload, eh laptop rusak.
Sampai sekarang, masih nunggu laptop bener dulu karena file videonya ada di laptop itu.
Dasar nasib
This is gonna be my new category, I call this Aldy Story. It will be just this short, and will be weekly blogging (it means, there will be at least one new post every week). Hopefully this new category can make my blog alive and it can be good for everyone :)
FB + Instagram + G+ + + Twitter + Youtube
Belum sempet videonya keupload, eh laptop rusak.
Sampai sekarang, masih nunggu laptop bener dulu karena file videonya ada di laptop itu.
Dasar nasib

This is gonna be my new category, I call this Aldy Story. It will be just this short, and will be weekly blogging (it means, there will be at least one new post every week). Hopefully this new category can make my blog alive and it can be good for everyone :)
- short description about the writer -
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